Many large organizations create job analyses to aid in return to work planning. Your employee will usually be asked to fill out forms for their workplace or insurance company about their ability and readiness to return to work. Based on their doctor’s recommendations, you will determine whether or not you have a job ready for your employee, or if you can make the necessary changes for them to return to work. The doctor’s assessment is also helpful for determining eligibility for insurance. A job analysis created by the employer will help the doctor better understand the demands of the job or any alternative job you are proposing. A job analysis can also help the doctor specify limitations that will need to be accommodated.
A job analysis is an in-depth description of a particular job. It breaks down the job’s specific tasks as well as the expectations of and demands on the employee who does it. This can include detailed information about the tasks of the job, working conditions and requirements of the job including aptitudes, attitudes, skills, temperaments, as well as physical, psychological and cognitive demands. Job analyses are often created to help with recruiting, training and returning to work and human resources planning. In the case of returning to work following disability or illness such as cancer, a job analysis is a useful tool to provide information about a job to assess whether someone is ready to return to work or what parts of the job need to be changed to enable someone to work again.
Create a job analysis
Job analysis form
Get the free job analysis form! By completing this short fillable PDF, you’ll discover challenges that may be encountered when returning to work following cancer.
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Note: If you are on a mobile device (for example, iOS, Android) you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader app to be able to fill out the form.