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Interactive Tools Tracking your fatigue level

Tracking your fatigue level

Cancer and Work Development Team is a website led by Dr. Christine Maheu, from McGill University and Ms. Maureen Parkinson, from the British Columbia Cancer Agency and their core team members, in partnership with the de Souza Institute. Advisory board members and expert writers made up of interdisciplinary clinicians, legal experts, management and policy makers, and academics also contributed to the content of the website.

View all Cancer and Work team members

Instructions Tracking Your Fatigue tool: For each week, select five typical working days or anticipate typical working days. Print and use the chart below to track your fatigue level. Make sure to input your fatigue scores each part (start, middle, and end) of each day.


Not tired at all A little bit tired Somewhat tired Moderately tired Extremely tired
0 3 4 6 7-10
Mild fatigue Moderate fatigue Extreme fatigue
Minimal fatigue symptoms
Able to carry out your daily activities (self-care, homemaking, work, leisure, etc)
Symptoms present and cause moderate to high levels of distress
Decrease in daily physical activities, some impairment in physical functioning
Significant daily fatigue, excessive need to sit or sleep, severe impairment of daily activities, sudden onset of fatigue, shortness of breath at rest, fast heartbeat, and/or bleeding
Tracking your fatigue level
Enter a number 0-10 for each part of the day
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Week One Start of the day
Middle of the day
End of the day
Week Two Start of the day
Middle of the day
End of the day
Week Three Start of the day
Middle of the day
End of the day
Week Four Start of the day
Middle of the day
End of the day

Next steps:

Review the Cancer and Work Fatigue Tracker tool with your doctor.

Information about fatigue

Exercise tips