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Interactive Tools Energizers and Drainers Tool Energizer and Drainer completed tool example

Energizer and Drainer completed tool example

One way to better understand your abilities is by tracking your energy during daily activities. Tracking may help you to better manage your energy. Using the Energizers and Drainers Interactive Tool, you can rate your energy across the day. The Energizer and Drainer Interactive Tool is an expansion from Cancer and Returning To Work: A Practical Guide for Cancer Patients1.

This is an example of a completed Energizers and Drainers worksheet; click here to complete your own.

Time of day Activity Duration (minutes) Energy level before
1=very low, 5=very high
Energy level after
1=very low, 5=very high
9 a.m. Meditated 30 min. 2 4
10 a.m. Watched favorite TV show 1 hour 3 2
11 a.m. Went for a walk and stretched 1 hour 3 4
12 p.m. Met a friend for lunch 40 min. 3 5
1 p.m. Talked on the phone sorting out computer problem 10 min. 4 2