Survey is now closed. Thank you for completing the survey ‘Self-employed cancer survivor, we need your stories with remaining or returning to work’
September 24, 2022
Dear candidates, Cancer and Work ( are seeking self-employed cancer survivors to share their experiences in remaining or returning to work following cancer and cancer treatments. Your contribution will help us understand how self-employed cancer survivors manage with remaining or with returning to work after a cancer diagnosis. The sharing of your experience will …
Participating in Research with Cancer and Work
June 19, 2020
Cancer and Work is actively engaged in research to improve the process of return to work and remain at work following cancer. We would be honored to have you participate in one of our studies to learn more on how we can better provide support to the return to work process following cancer. If you …
Cancer and Work is collaborating with Work Wellness and Disability Prevention Institute (WWDPI) in the Harnessing Talent Project
November 5, 2019
Cancer and Work is collaborating with Work Wellness and Disability Prevention Institute (WWDPI) in the Harnessing Talent Project. Harnessing Talent is a new, 3 year, federally-funded project to help employers recruit and retain employees with mental and/or physical disabilities. The project is funded by Social Development Canada’s Opportunities fund – Work with Employers Initiative.