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Survivors Workplace wellbeing Change your unhelpful thoughts and feelings Fill out your own “Changing unhelpful thoughts” worksheet

Fill out your own “Changing unhelpful thoughts” worksheet

To help you convert your unhelpful thoughts into more realistic ones, we have built an online tool that takes you through the following steps:

Step 1 Identify your unhelpful thoughts: Find the evidence

Step 2 Recognize your helpful self-talk: Name the thoughts

Step 3 Determine your new realistic thoughts

Identify and challenge your unhelpful thoughts

For more ideas on converting unhelpful thoughts to more realistic ones, see the BC Cancer Agency‘s Cancer and Returning to Work: A Practical Guide for Cancer Patients. (PDF, pages 39–41)

Additional help with challenging unhelpful thoughts

  • Discuss your “Changing unhelpful thoughts” worksheet with a counsellor, social worker or psychologist.
  • Talk to an Employee Assistance Counsellor, if this program is offered at your workplace.
  • Look at your employee benefits package or call your human resources department to see if counselling services are covered.
  • Ask others in a support group.
  • Ask supportive friends or family members for ideas.

Problem solving

There are problem-solving techniques you can learn that will help you explore potential solutions and take small steps to address workplace issues. Problem solving usually includes these steps:

  1. Define the problem.
  2. Identify actions to solve the problem.
  3. Compare actions and pick the best option.
  4. Make a plan.
  5. Put the plan into action.
  6. Evaluate the plan.

To learn problem-solving techniques, see:

Goal Setting

Sometimes unrealistic expectations add to feelings that you are not measuring up, contributing to your stress. It can be more helpful to tone down expectations of yourself and to set small goals. These goals need to be:

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Achievable

R – Realistic

T – Timely


Setting SMART goals is about visualizing your ideal future and turning this vision into reality through a plan. Watch this video by Dr. Douglas Ozier from the B.C. Cancer Agency to learn about setting personal goals: