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Professional adaptive technology assessment

Laura Bergstrom, MSc. O.T. – Occupational Therapist, Neil Squire Society

Ms. Laura Bergstrom received her undergraduate degree in health sciences from Simon Fraser University in 2009 and her MSc. in Occupational Therapy from the University of Alberta in 2015. In 2015, she obtained the Assistive Technology Professional designation through the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA). As an occupational therapist in the Solutions Department of the Neil Squire Society, Ms. Bergstrom specializes in workplace accommodations and provides a variety of services, including assistive technology and ergonomic assessments, worksite assessments, and education for organizations. Her practice is centered on assisting clients through a collaborative and interactive process to participate meaningfully in their everyday occupations.

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As a cancer survivor, you may face a variety of symptoms, which may affect different parts of your life—from self-care and housework to returning to and staying at work. As many of these symptoms happen after cancer or its treatment, managing your symptoms at work may be challenging and you may benefit from work accommodations.

An assessment by a professional who has experience with and knowledge about adaptive technology can help you find the most suitable devices and equipment to overcome any work-related barriers. The following areas should be covered during an adaptive technology assessment.

You as an individual

The professional should understand your specific needs from your perspective.

They should check for effects of common cancer challenges on your performance at work, including:

They should also ask about your:

  • personal experience with technology
  • familiarity with your job tasks
  • any likely future changes in your health

You on the job

Your work environment

This includes any place where you will work and might use adaptive technology.

The professional should check:

  • noise levels
  • lighting
  • temperature
  • scents
  • whether your work environment will change over time

Gathering the information above will help the professional identify suitable adaptive technology for you in your job.

Further resources

Tetra Society – Dedicated to assisting people with disabilities to achieve an independent and fulfilling life, one assistive device at a time.

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