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Survivors Communication and teamwork Talking to your employer when you are off work

Talking to your employer when you are off work

It is important to stay in touch with your supervisor while you are absent. That way, you can let your employer know that you want to return to work as soon as you are able. Otherwise, they may think you are no longer interested in the job. Keeping your manager up to date on your recovery allows them to plan for your return. Planning for accommodations or assistive devices, if needed, takes time to put in place.

Even though human rights law protects your job to some extent while you are off work, there are limits to this protection. For a list of human rights organizations by province, view our Legal Resources on Human Rights.

Tell your employer how important it is for you to have your job to come back to. Give your employer as much notice as you can about when you will return to work. That way, they may be less tempted to replace you. If they hire a temporary replacement, this will allow them to give the person notice so that your job will be available to you when you return.