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Survivors Communication and teamwork Connections with your co-workers

Connections with your co-workers

Staying in touch with your colleagues has several advantages:

  • Updating you about changes in staff, policy and procedures.
  • If your co-workers are friends, emotional support during treatment and recovery.
  • Invitations to social events at work.
  • Opportunities to stop by for lunch or coffee.
  • Avoiding the stress of having to tell co-workers why you were off work, since they will already know.
  • Having supportive people at your workplace when you return to work—this support is very valuable.

Make sure your supervisor and co-workers know whether you want to be in touch and how:

  • Do you want your co-workers to know why you are off work? To consider your disclosure options, read our disclosure article.
  • Do you want to receive updates by phone, email, or visit?
  • Some changes at work may add to your stress. It may be helpful to say that, although staying in touch is important to you that you prefer not to hear about the day-to-day challenges of work.
  • If you feel pressured to return to work, you might say that although you are glad they want you back, it is up to your doctor to clear you.