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Back at work

Monitoring your progress

It is important to monitor your progress during all stages of your return to work. Tell your supervisor about any concerns as soon as they arise. It is good practice to review your progress each week so that both you and your supervisor can address concerns and discuss next steps in your return to work plan. For example, if you are gradually increasing your hours, then you will want to see how you did with the change during the previous week. Monitoring your progress and reviewing your plan will help you and your supervisor to revise this plan if needed. Keeping abreast of your progress will increase the likelihood of a successful return to work. For more information, see Monitor your progress after returning to work.

Managing expectations

Everyone needs to manage their expectations and allow for unexpected changes to the return to work plan. If you find yourself struggling with your return to work, communicating this concern with your supervisor or human resources department is important. This way, they will be aware that your plan is not working and needs modifications. This type of collaboration and communication is key to your success in staying at work. For more tips, see Manage Expectations at your Workplace.