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Survivors Assessment of work abilities Assessing your cognitive abilities

Assessing your cognitive abilities

Cognitive functioning is commonly evaluated in work-focused neuropsychological or occupational therapy assessments. These assessments are often quite costly and not readily available within the healthcare system or from community agencies. One quick way to reflect if cognitive challenges may be a concern at the workplace is to complete the Cognitive Symptoms at Work Checklist. This checklist is particularly helpful for survivors who think that their work may be impacted by brain fog.  For more information, read the following article by Michael Feuerstein, PhD, MPH (Feuerstein et al., 2010).1

Try our cognitive symptoms at work checklist:

Cognitive symptoms at work checklist

Potential impact of brain injury

The website provides a checklist to help you consider whether symptoms (for example, fatigue, thinking changes, seizures, etc.) caused by injury to the brain (such as potentially caused by a brain tumour) might impact readiness for return to work.