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Private Insurance

Faith Hayman, Trial and Appellate Lawyer

Ms. Faith Hayman graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, in 1983. She represents clients pursuing primarily personal-injury actions and disability-insurance claims. Ms. Hayman was on the executive of the BC Trial Lawyers’ Association for 10 years and, for the last several years, has chaired the Rules Committee. She serves on the Board of Governors of the Trial Lawyers Association of British Columbia and is also a member of the Ethics Committee of the Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children. Ms. Hayman has argued court cases at all levels, including the Fidler v. Sun Life decision in the BC Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada.

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Physician’s guide to navigating insurance forms and the insurance process from a legal perspective

By Faith Hayman, Trial and Appellate Lawyer

This video was filmed at the BC Cancer Agency as part of combined Provincial Radiation Oncology Patient and Family Counselling rounds and for the purposes of Ms. Hayman discusses legal principles that guide long-term disability claims, different medical and insurance perspectives, how physicians can address invisible disabilities with insurance providers, as well as tips on how to communicate with insurance providers about disability claims.