Les troubles du sommeil
Dr. Christine Maheu, RN, PhD ,
Ms. Rosemary Cashman ,
Kyla Johnson, Occupational Therapist, Segal Cancer Centre, Jewish General Hospital ,
Ms. Maureen Parkinson, Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor, M.Ed. C.C.R.C, BC CancerDr. Christine Maheu, RN, PhD
Dr. Christine Maheu is an Associate Professor in the Ingram School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University. Dr. Maheu is also an Affiliate Scientist at the University Health Network and the University of Toronto. At McGill University, she teaches research methods, supervises graduate students (masters, doctoral, post-doctoral), mentors practicing nurses and students in research, and conducts research in English and French. She has held research awards with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Canadian Cancer Society, and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. These awards funded her research in psychosocial oncology, which focuses on developing and testing psychosocial interventions or measurements tools for various cancer populations. Additionally, in partnership with Ipsos Canada and funded by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, she is co-leading a nationwide survey of the needs of cancer patients for transition care from the end of their treatment to three years after their diagnosis. Dr. Maheu received awards for excellence in nursing research (2013, 2015, 2016) from Ovarian Cancer Canada, the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology, and the Quebec Association of Nurses in Oncology.
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Ms. Rosemary Cashman
Ms. Rosemary Cashman is a nurse practitioner at the BC Cancer Agency and an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of British Columbia. Her professional experience includes the care of lymphoma, lung cancer and brain cancer patients. She co-chairs the Patient and Family Advisory Council, which guides the brain tumour care program at the BC Cancer Agency. She has authored book chapters and articles related to the care of brain tumour patients and their families. Ms. Cashman was involved in developing and implementing a rapid-access radiotherapy clinic for the palliative treatment of lung cancer and she continues to work in this clinic.
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Kyla Johnson, Occupational Therapist, Segal Cancer Centre, Jewish General Hospital
Ms. Kyla Johnson, M.Sc.A., originally from Edmonton, Alberta, Kyla Johnson works as an Occupational Therapist at the Segal Cancer Center of the Jewish General Hospital. She holds a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from McGill University. Her goal as a rehabilitation professional in Oncology is to enable people with cancer to be able to do what they want and need to do, in all stages of their cancer experience. Kyla helps develop strategies and accommodations to facilitate a return to meaningful life roles, including work. She is specialized in cancer-related cognitive dysfunction and runs a weekly group teaching strategies to improve daily cognitive functioning. Kyla also leads a volunteer yoga class for young adults with cancer. She lives in Montreal, Quebec.
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Ms. Maureen Parkinson, Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor, M.Ed. C.C.R.C, BC Cancer
Ms. Maureen Parkinson is the province-wide vocational rehabilitation counsellor at the BC Cancer Agency. She has also been vocational rehabilitation counsellor at a public rehabilitation hospital and vocational rehabilitation consultant to insurance companies and the court system. She has instructed and facilitated Service-Canada-funded programs on job searching and career exploration. Ms. Parkinson has a Masters in Counselling Psychology, is a Canadian Certified Rehabilitation Counsellor, and completed the Certified Return to Work Coordinator Program through the National Institute for Disability Management and Research. She has developed return-to-work and job-search seminars for cancer patients and created the guidebook “Cancer and Returning to Work: A Practical Guide for Cancer Patients” as well as on-line articles about returning to work and school. She also co-authored a paper commissioned by the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology, “Cancer and Work: A Canadian Perspective”.
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Plus de la moitié des patients atteints de cancer souffrent d’une forme ou une autre de troubles du sommeil. Le stress, l’anxiété et la dépression peuvent également aggraver la situation. Par ailleurs, le manque de sommeil risque d’exacerber la détresse psychologique et d’augmenter la fatigue. Les traitements associés au cancer perturbent parfois les habitudes de sommeil (p. ex. sieste nécessaire dans la journée). Le repos n’est pas toujours suffisant pour faire disparaître la fatigue liée au cancer, et vous pourriez ressentir un manque d’énergie constant et vous épuiser rapidement. Si vous connaissez vos besoins et vos habitudes en matière de sommeil, votre plan de retour au travail sera plus efficace. Le questionnaire d’évaluation de la qualité de sommeil (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PDF en anglais) vous permettra de mieux les comprendre.
Conséquences sur le travail
Les troubles du sommeil aggravent la fatigue (pour en savoir davantage, consultez la page sur la fatigue). Certains auront du mal à se lever et devront commencer leur journée plus tard. Les médicaments pour dormir ont tendance à embrumer le cerveau le matin. Le manque de sommeil perturbe la concentration, la mémoire, l’énergie et les émotions. Il est alors plus difficile de satisfaire aux exigences du poste.
Les solutions à votre portée
Apprenez des techniques d’« hygiène du sommeil ». Il s’agit de gestes simples permettant d’améliorer votre sommeil sans somnifères. Consultez votre équipe soignante si les problèmes deviennent chroniques, vous empêchent de fonctionner ou nuisent à votre bien-être.
Voici des ressources pour vous aider à lutter contre les problèmes de sommeil :
Mesures d’adaptation du lieu de travail
La modification de vos tâches et méthodes de travail :
- Adaptez votre horaire.
- Demandez un horaire variable permettant de vous adapter à votre niveau d’énergie.
- Demandez un quart de travail qui vous convient (p. ex., quarts de jour uniquement, quarts réguliers).
La modification de votre milieu de travail :
- Demandez à garder un lit de camp au travail pour les périodes de repos. Faites une sieste de 20 minutes ou reposez-vous pendant le midi. S’il est impossible d’installer un lit de camp, trouvez un endroit confortable (un fauteuil, votre voiture, etc.) pour vos périodes de pause.
Pour en savoir plus, consultez les mesures d’adaptation concernant la fatigue.
Suivant :
Retour à la liste des effets secondaires courants des traitements contre le cancer