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Legal resources on human rights

Human rights laws are different in each province and territory, and for organizations under federal law. To find out more about the law that covers your organization, visit the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Here is a list of non-profit organizations that provide general information on human rights.


CanadaFor general information on human rights in federally regulated sectors only (e.g., employees of chartered banks, television and radio stations, telephone companies, federal government departments and agencies): Canadian Human Rights Commission

By province/territory:

British Columbia

bcFor general information on human rights: BC Human Rights Tribunal, People’s Law School

For general information about human rights as well as information about responding to a human rights complaint: BC Human Rights Clinic


abFor general information on human rights: Alberta Human Rights Commission (accepts phone but not email inquiries), Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta, Your Rights at Work


skFor general information on human rights: Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission


mbFor general information on human rights: Community Legal Education Association offers general legal information advice and referrals to lawyers


onFor general information on human rights: Community Legal Education Ontario


qcFor advice about accommodation for employers: Advisory Service on Reasonable Accommodation

For general information on human rights: Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse Québec [Quebec Human Rights and Children’s Rights Commission]

New Brunswick

nbFor general information on human rights: New Brunswick Human Rights Commission

Nova Scotia

nsFor general information on human rights: Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia

Read about ReachAbility‘s Employer of Excellence and Corporate Training programs.

Prince Edward Island

peFor general information on human rights: PEI Human Rights Commission

Newfoundland and Labrador

nlFor general information on human rights: Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Commission

Northwest Territories

ntFor general information on human rights: Northwest Territories Human Rights Commission


nuFor general information on human rights: Law Society of Nunavut hotline provides legal information in Inuktitut on rights of people with disabilities and others

Nunavut does not have a human rights commission.

Yukon Territories

ytFor information on human rights: Yukon Human Rights Commission

Province icons by factor[e] design initiative and Canada icon by anbileru adaleru from the Noun Project.