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The Cancer and Work website was designed to address the unique needs of cancer survivors with returning, remaining, changing work or looking for work after a diagnosis of cancer. The website provides newly created information, resources, and interactive tools for cancer survivors, healthcare providers, employers, and highlights helpful information from across the globe.

How to reference Cancer and Work

Maheu, C., Parkinson, M., Oldfield, M., Kita-Stergiou, M., Bernstein, L., Esplen, M. J., on behalf of the Cancer and Work core team members. (2016, October 16). Cancer and Work. Retrieved August 6, 2021, from Cancer and Work website:

See references used on this website

Seeking employers willing to share their experience :

Employers’ best practices for returning to work after cancer

Questions? Interested in participating?

To begin the Cancer and Work survey on ‘Employers’ best practices for returning to work after cancer’, click on this link to the survey

Contact research team: Principal researcher Dr. Christine, RN, PhD, associate professor, Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University [email protected]


Download our pamphlet

Cancer and Work Pamphlet (PDF)

Our primary partners

Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec

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